Sunday, May 07, 2006

Wishing Others Well (for Ourselves...and Them)

What goes through our minds just prior to speaking with people greatly impacts our interaction with them. As we approach each person we can offer them kind thoughts--wishes that we would actually want for ourselves. Deepak Chopra suggests silently wishing each person you encounter happiness, joy, and laughter.

For people who are prone to quickly identifying what can be improved in any given situation you will find that the moment is transformed for the better. Afterall, it is difficult to have a mediocre to bad experience when wishing others well.

Although it is a challenge to remember to do this as often as I should, I find that when I approach people thinking that I wish them love, happiness, joy, and laughter I smile more often, I'm kinder to strangers, and I'm far more patient. The result is that I've been experiencing everything I am wishing for others. Don't forget to offer silent wishes to your family members as well--it's surprisingly easy to overlook them.


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have auras,which are composed of all the positive and negative energy we put out into the world. Whatever energy we put out is the same energy that is drawn to us.

It reminds of the parable of the traveler who was going to a new city. At the outskirts of the city, the traveler encountered an old man. The traveler asks the old man what type of people he could expect to meet in this new city. The old man asks him what the people were like in his old city. The traveler says that they were very kind and generous. The old man tells him that those are the kinds of people he will meet in this new city.

Another traveler on his way to the same city also encounters the same old man. He asks the old man the same questions. Again, the old man asks him about the people in his old city. The traveler tells the old man that the people were unkind and would cheat you at every opportunity. The old man tells him that these are the kinds of people he will meet in the new city.

So, we draw to us what we expect and we put out what we expect to the world. We need to have a positive attitude, faith in our fellows and believe in a good and generous universe. When we do, all good things can come our way.


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