Monday, May 08, 2006

The Soul, The Spirit, The Self

In my daily prayer and meditation I seek to improve awareness of my own spirit. But yesterday I wondered, "What's the point of getting in touch with my own spirit?" Having lived with it every day of my life surely I'm aware of the important bits.

I realized that I do not. I don't truly know where my ego stops and my spirit begins. So much of living life involves learning, experiencing, processing, and reacting. Over time parts of life become repetitive so we react similarly to how we've handled the situation before or too often we find ourselves responding with techniques used by our parents and other role models (a sometimes terrifying experience). The other way we react is in "ego protection" mode where we make sure the image of ourselves that we want others to see is maintained - or at least not harmed. When asked a question my ego quickly determines on my internal success meter whether I'm above, beneath, or on the same level as the questioner. When I feel I'm of same or lower value than the person talking to me I usually try to come off as impressive in an attempt to raise my own perceived value. When I feel above the questioner, I'm usually more carefree in my answer, but with a guard because I don't want that person thinking we could be friends. This kind of reaction is not spiritual. It is all ego. And it is all based on my fears.

When we strip away those automatic reactions, when we clear away comparisons or judgment of others, what is left is our own spirit. The way I get in touch with that spirit in my daily interactions is to take a pause in every situation and ask, "What is the loving way to react?" When I can remember to do so my shoulders instantly relax, my mind stops racing, and my mouth turns to a slight smile.

What I'm discovering is that the spirit is actually love. It sounds corny but when I can truly feel the unconditional love shared with my wife or close family members there is a euphoric feeling to the moment. In that moment, all that exists is love. There is no ego and no judgment. The joyful feeling is the connection between our two spirits.

I also see it when I'm in a really good mood. When I'm in such a good mood that the feeling becomes contagious not only am I walking around without judgment or ego (who wants such negative barriers when one feels so good), but it allows the people I come in contact with to let down their guards as well. And suddenly my spirit is connecting with a stranger's in a positive and profound way. This is not only a happier way to live, it also gives rise to a richer human experience because opportunities present themselves that otherwise would not have been there had we been guarded and leading with our ego instead of with our spirit.

And living life richly while connecting with others is the point of it all.


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