Friday, August 03, 2007

Take Responsibility Rather Than Blame

I didn't manage a business call correctly today. Sometimes I rush to speak without being sufficiently strategic. I need to be patient, pause, and take my time. There is no rush.

The result is that I've led an employee of partnering company think I'll be moving forward on a potential deal with him when I really need his company's president to be in the meeting given the level of the person we'll be dealing with.

What's interesting is that two hours ago I was angry and disappointed with my friend (the firm's president) for acting in a way that differed from a previous agreement but the fact is I pulled the employee in deeper to the deal by speaking without thinking through my words. I am responsible and once again I tried to push blame off on others. It is my responsibility to manage situations the way I want them rather than letting others do so and then being disappointed with the results.


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