Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Why Give Up Our Attachment to Things

Our attachment to things is a physical manifestation of our attachment to our thoughts. And our attachment to our thoughts is an attachment to the belief that we know what is best. When we think we know what is best we don’t leave enough room for god’s will in our lives. We are limiting our lives to our experience and knowledge only, rather than opening it up to god’s great potential for us.

Giving up attachment creates more space for the power of god’s goodness to work in and around us. Being detached keeps us from wanting things to be a certain way so badly that we let better things and opportunities pass us by. So, when we give up our attachment to things we are saying that we accept and trust god’s will to place us on a dynamic life path.

Plus, giving up our attachment reminds us that we are not defined by the size of our house, the kind of car we drive, or the amount of money we possess. These are things simply to be enjoyed and used for service to others. They do not reflect our character.


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