Friday, May 19, 2006

Awakening Unmasked

Wednesday night my wife and I attended a meditation class where the speaker, Adyashanti discussed awareness and awakening. His words shook me with fear. He said that when we achieve awakening we finally see that which has been with us all along. There is no great epiphany--it is merely a seeing of what is obvious. We don’t become transformed--we just finally see that we’ve always been.

The analogy Adyashanti used is someone using prayer and meditation to find their feet, “God, please help me discover my feet.” The person goes on long journeys and has deep discussions to find his feet. Then, when awakening is achieved, he sees his feet had always been right there with him. They never left; they had only been denied.

For the last 36 hours I’ve been keeping an open mind to the idea that I already am the greatest manifestation of my true self. There is no need to look any longer. The difference is that I just need to see myself without judgment, without bias, without ego. So far the freedom of it has been remarkable and powerful, and as you'd expect, in ways that were unexpected.


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