Dealing with Hurtful People
Two people I see regularly have been getting under my skin, which triggers all sorts of negative thoughts and conversations that take place in mind. I’m aware that I’m getting irritated with these people and try to practice acceptance, ego-removal (do I really know what’s best?!), non-judgment, and compassion. Yet I become angry at myself when I see I’m still giving these people a tremendous amount of energy. What it boils down to is that I can practice spirituality in many ways, but with certain people chords are struck that resonate uncomfortably. After being disappointed that many spiritual books and people tend not to address this element of relationships I finally received my answer yesterday:
No matter how spiritual we become we are always going to experience human emotions such as anger, fear, loneliness, sadness, joy, shame, and guilt. However, we do not have to suffer in these emotions. When I’m trying to deny, resist, or avoid the emotions I not only experience the emotions, but I then also suffer from the additional feelings I place on top of them.
The solution is to simply accept the emotions. When those people tick me off, I need to be fully present and aware of the resulting emotions. Denying them only prolongs the emotion and adds in unnecessary turmoil and personal judgment (i.e., suffering).
The additional piece of all this is kindness. Not to them (yet), but to myself first. I need to allow the emotions I feel around an issue to be okay. Once I accept the emotion and allow my feelings to be as they are, only then is there enough room to genuinely show kindness to others. Then, I can practice acceptance, ego-removal, non-judgment, and compassion. I cannot be these things to others if I’m not this way with my “self.”
I love what you say here. Sometimes I wonder if the ancient teachings are a little unrealistic. Buddhist or other traditions might suggest nobody can "make you feel" anything... that it is all you. So, if someone is hurtful you should blame yourself for being hurt.
For all intensive purposes someone CAN make you feel something. Our emotional reality is the bigger part of what makes up our experience as humans, and it has its own illogical logic that is as valid a truth as anything that can be mapped, categorized and predicted. It just follows a far more sophisticated set of laws that may be, frankly, more in sync with the greater universe than a finite set of rules.
If you knocked me down in the street and kicked me in the face, it would be a stretch to say I am making myself feel hurt. Our emotions together form one big nerve, just like any of our other sensory organs.
So, not only will we feel anger, sadness, etc., but we are supposed to. These are not lesser states of being.
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