The Lesson from Nick Lachey
I'm developing a stronger faith in the idea that we just need to stay true to ourselves and that we can achieve our dreams as long as we keep our minds open to unexpected opportunities and don't try to force solutions.
I was watching Behind the Music featuring Nick Lachey and learned that after going out to California to pursue music he gave up and returned to Ohio to go into sports medicine. While there he received a phone call from a friend in LA who was putting together a band and asked Nick to join. That band was 98 Degrees. It was almost like Nick had given up on his dream, but his dream hadn't given up on him. By the time Nick had given up he had already done all of the work necessary to reach the top of the mountain, he just didn't realize it when he had first returned to Ohio.
This is a long way of illustrating that if we keep doing what you enjoy there will be many gifts that come from it. We just can't have our egos attached to the outcome. When Nick went back to Ohio, his ego didn't need the music career any longer. Once he was detached, he achieved his dream.
Sometimes I find it hard to sit and wait--even in small matters. My husband and I are taking a cruise, which leaves July 2nd, and we need to find a dogsitter for our Laborador retriever. My husband has taken charge of finding a dogsitter. Even so, I decided I should call this one particular kennel I have heard about because I feel much more in control when I'm taking some sort of action. This way, if my husband is not successful, I will have a backup.
So, when I called the kennel, the woman I spoke with explained how they already have 200 dogs coming in that weekend (the busiest week of the year, according to her), and that they don't take 10 year old dogs because going to the kennel is too stressful for an older dog. She further informed me that this type of stress can activate dormant illnesses in older dogs.
So, not only were we not going to be able to find a kennel for the dog this busiest of weeks, but even if we do find her a spot, she will be so distressed that she will probably fall ill upon our return.
I allowed this woman's words to play into every underlying fear I was probably already having.
More importantly instead of allowing my husband to handle the dogsitter arrangements, my need to intervene caused me to be a stressed out mess.
I forgot all about the spiritual laws of least effort and detachment. I also allowed my ego to push me to make the phone call in the first place.
I think I am being shown certain lessons that I need to learn. Sice it was not my assignment to find a dogsitter, the matter did not turn out well for me. When I am doing what I'm supposed to be doing, things work out a lot better. So, once again, I must put my ego on the shelf, trust that others can perform tasks as well, if not better,than I, and practice the spiritual principles that I know work and help me get through my life in a state of peace.
I must remember always to choose to be peaceful rather than right.
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