Changing Paths
For the last twelve years of my spiritual practice and even in posts below I have prayed, “God, I know you have a path for me and on that path all things will work out for the best, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.” I’m finding this prayer is no longer accurate.
Through meditation, spiritual readings, and readings about quantum physics I’m seeing that we can change our paths. Quantum physics proves that beyond the visible world everything exists with an infinite potential. That is, nothing is determined until it is observed and prior to being observed, any given situation can resolve in an infinite number of ways. Because we tend to be preconditioned to expect (observe) a certain outcome as a result of specific action, we create a self-fulfilling prophesy that creates the appearance of a logical flow of events. By cleansing ourselves of our preconditioned responses, removing our preconceived ideas, and setting our mind on an intention for our preferred result, that new outcome – despite seeming completely illogical – has the potential to materialize. However, this desired outcome is more likely to materialize if it comes from love rather than ego.
Although this seems like mystic BS, I got a glimpse of it recently. So, I’ve changed the prayer to, “God, I know you are with me and that all things will work out for the best, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.” This gets me out of my linear thinking and shifts it to a greater understanding that reality is actually more dynamic than I can possibly comprehend and if I have faith, then the seemingly impossible can actually come to be.
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