Thursday, June 22, 2006

A New Perspective on Karma

I never felt thinking about past lives and karma was worth the time. If I was doing the best in this life, then karma – regardless of whether or not it is real - was irrelevant. However, I’m discovering a concept of karma that relates directly to the life I’m living now. When I think of “past lives” as previous actions and experiences within this life, it is possible to apply the ideas of karma. For example, why have I been repeatedly let down by people? What have I done earlier in my current life to be continually disappointed? Upon reflection I see that I keep making the same mistake over and over, which is forcing me to continually relive the same experience of being let down by different people in different situations. I haven’t learned the lesson required for me to move on to my “next life” (i.e., a future where people do not let me down as often). In order for me to move on to my next life, I need to learn that I tend to impose unrealistic expectations on people. Since these expectations are only achievable under ideal circumstances it is no wonder why I’ve been disappointed over and over. I set situations up in a way that makes disappointment the only possible outcome. If I don’t learn this karmic lesson, then I’m doomed to repeat it until I do.

When I keep repeating unhealthy behaviors now, I will continue to have that feeling of being stuck. I’ll experience the same recurring negative experiences throughout the rest of my life. Unhealthy relationships will remain unhealthy. My career will plateau. I will not enjoy the richness and adventure of life that comes with continual growth. Growing in a positive direction is simply the karmic principle of learning necessary lessons so that we can go on to an even better life.


At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What we don't learn, we are doomed to repeat" is one way of looking at karma. On the other hand, is it always that our expectations are too high and we wind up disappointed, or is it that we haven't yet recognized that all people, at times and in certain circumstances, have limitations.

The more we come to accept our own human limitations, the more we can accept them in others. However, as a caveat to this statement, I must also say that there are some people who are completely self-centered. It's important to recognize that about these people and not rely on them because the end result will always be disappointment.

So, choose wisely. Know the people on whom you can depend but also be forgiving even of them because we all fail at times.

When we can do this, whatever generosity we send out into the universe comes back to us in the most delightful and unexpected ways!


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